Category Archives: Adopt-A-Spot

National Public Lands Day at Backman Elementary

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(Click photos to enlarge.)
Join Council Member James Rogers who will be helping Backman Elementary celebrate National Public Lands Day Saturday, September 24! Students will mulch a part of the Jordan River near their school with a helpful hand from their District 1 Council Member. The purpose of this event is to help get kids outside and teach them to take care of an area that is close to home for many of them.

National Public Lands Day

Saturday, September 24
10:00 a.m. – Noon
Backman Elementary

Adopt-A-Spot News

20150926_123714The September Adopt-A-Spot event was a bit more quiet than usual. It seemed as though there wasn’t much activity in the parks that day. Nonetheless, we were able to collect garbage along the north and south side of the river from Constitution Park, over to the Cottonwood Park, the trail along the north side of the river and up to 700 North. Everyone grabbed a big green garbage bag and trash-picker-upper and off they went in all directions.

20150926_123721The city provided us with sidewalk chalk to write friendly notes in English and Spanish, (in lieu of signage that is still in the works). You may have seen our sidewalk art and messages. We wrote notes such as: “Please use the garbage cans,” “No tiene basura, por favor,” “Love your parks!” “Please don’t litter” “Tiene un buen dia!” The kids loved writing helpful messages on the sidewalks – the notes seemed to last more than a week before it rained, so we know lots of trail-users were able to see them.20150926_115852

We are planning our last Adopt-A-Spot event on Saturday, November 7th, from 11-2pm. We will meet at the east parking lot of the Northwest Rec Center again – this is the area near the soccer field (and dumpsters) 1200 W 300 N. AND, if you’re coming, you might as well bring your glass to be recycled, and any clothing items to be donated. Both collection bins are located right at that location!

20150926_115906Thanks for coming out last month – it was great to see you, and we all appreciate your efforts in keeping our trail and river clean and beautiful. See you next month!


Look for announcements about the next Adopt-A-Spot event on our website and facebook page.

Adopt-A-Spot: Beautifying Fairpark

Fairpark Community residents are participating in Salt Lake City’s Adopt-A-Spot Program, which is an Open Space Lands Program to allow Salt Lake citizens to show pride in the vibrant ecology of their city by stewarding a set location over the course of one year.”

20141011_140048The first Fairpark Adopt-A-spot event, held in October, was a great success! It was so fun to see people in our community out working hard to improve and protect our gorgeous open space along the Jordan River. We had a lot of positive feedback from people walking and riding bikes that day. A big shout out to Earl, Butch, Artis, Will, Rob & Friends, Mike, Romello & 20141011_133740Eddie!! Thank you so much!!

If you’d like to volunteer for future events please contact us. We would love to see you out there! Next event planned for November 29th. 11-1pm. Please contact Brook at
801-604-1895 to volunteer.20141011_133755

According to Amanda Anderson, Volunteer Services Coordinator for SLC:

Between January 1st and November 1st 2014:

125 Adopt-A-Spot volunteers gave 570 hours of service;

Over 550 gallons of trash, covering 5 miles of trail way and over 100 acres of open space area was collected;

One dozen park benches and one bridge were painted, seven trees planted , over 100 gallons of noxious plant species pulled and two trail way park areas were re-mulched .