The SLC Mobile App is an application available in theA p ple or Android app store. It is an online and mobile issue reporting and service request system for Salt Lake
City. The app is easy to use to report known issues, and yo uc an follow the progress the city is making on resolving those issues. The app will use your GPS location and you can take a picture with your phone of the issue and upload it when
There are a number of issue types that can be reported through the app: biking issues, construction concerns, crimetips, crosswalk maintenance, drinking water, graffiti removal,holiday tree pickup, illegal dumping of trash, leaf collection,
missing garbage lid, leaf collection, parking, plant /trees, pot hole, public utility issue, parks, roadway cleanup, roadwaypaint, sewer, sidewalks and ramps, snow/ice removal,speeding prevention, storm water, street lights, street signs,traffic signal, trash/recycle/compost bin, vehicle (expired tag), vehicle violation, water, water conservation, water in street, and weed abatement. If what you are reporting is
an emergency with someone in danger, please call 911 for dispatch.
Information about the Salt Lake Mobile App is a static feature on our website, on the left sidebar.