Dirt2Table: Spring Planting and Container Potatoes

The experimental planting of two kinds of Kale, Spinach, Lettuce, Onions and Peas dirt2tablethat were planted February 15th are up and growing. They didn’t get frozen and are fairly well advanced for this early. But now it is almost getting late for planting peas and greens. I plan to plant another area of them on the 18th of April. I suggest you do too, while you are waiting to plant tomatoes.

Even though it has been really warm, I still advise against planting any of the tender annuals like tomatoes and peppers until at least the 1st of May. It is even safer to wait until the end of the first week of May.

About a week ago we started some seed potatoes in a 32 gallon inexpensive trash can. We read about this method and we’re trying it with three trash cans. It starts with drilling drainage holes, then putting in 6 to 10 inches of good soil. You can use a mixture of 50-50 compost and peat moss, or any good rich soil. You plant the potatoes in this layer near the bottom, then every week or two as the plants grow up from the surface, you add more soil until your entire barrel is full. Then just let the plants grow and trail down the sides of the barrel. When the plants leaves are frost killed in the fall, it is time to harvest the potatoes. Just turn the barrel on its side and gently roll and work the soil and potatoes loose. Just brush off the potatoes, don’t wash them until your ready to cook them. They can be stored in a cool dry place for several months after harvest.

More information on container potatoes can be viewed here.  Be sure to read the comments on what has and hasn’t worked for people who have tried this.