Bicycling is tons of fun, healthy and environmentally friendly. But with bicycling comes responsibility.
Here are highlights of bicycling laws in Utah.
Making sure your bicycle is street legal:
You are required to have a white headlight, red taillight or reflector, and side reflectors, all visible for at least 500 feet (41-6a-1114) any time you ride earlier than a half hour before sunrise, later than a half hour after sunset, or whenever it is otherwise difficult to make out vehicles 1000 feet away (41-6a-1603).
- You must have brakes capable of stopping you within 25 feet from a speed of 10 miles per hour on dry, level, clean pavement (41-6a-1113).
- You cannot have a siren or whistle on your bike (41-6a-1113).
Riding With Traffic
Ride in the same direction as traffic (41-6a-1105).
Ride as far to the right as practicable except when (41-6a-1105):
- Passing another bike or vehicle
- Preparing to turn left
- Going straight through an intersection past a right-turn-only lane
- Avoiding unsafe conditions on the right-hand edge of the roadway
- Traveling in a lane too narrow to safely ride side-by-side with another vehicle
Ride no more than two abreast and then only if you would not impede the normal and reasonable movement of traffic (41-6a-1105).
In some instances where a usable off-roadway bike path has been provided, you may be directed by an official traffic control device to use the path rather than the roadway (41-6a-1105)
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Bike SLC:
Bike Utah: