The Fairpark Community Council Board consists of members of the community that want to help you stay informed of things that are happening in our community. We attempt to keep our residents connected to a wide gambit of topics including City Council decisions, community events, City Planning decisions, UTA and UDOT plans. We value your input on topics that may be of interest to others in the community. You can contribute by attending monthly meetings or emailing us with comments, concerns or suggestions.
The Fairpark Board is elected for a two year term of service. The new Board was elected in Jan 2024 at an emergency meeting and will serve until March 2025. These people are all unpaid volunteers, that have an interest in the safety and well-being of our community.
- Chair: Chiase Warr
- 1st Vice Chair: David Osokow
- 2nd Vice Chair: Jo Killian
- Clerk: Michelle Watts
- Treasurer: Keiko Jones
- Jarod Hall
- Ann Pineda
- Taylor Warr
- David Hollins
- Jonathan Marshall
- John Satini
- Leticia Alvarez
- Jeffery Olson
- Daniel Dang
- Kaitlin Huntington
- Junior Tui’one
- Sara Hoy