Seeds of Success Job Training Program


Seeds of Success, a new project of Wasatch Community Gardens, is up and running!  Sees of Success is focused on supporting unemployed and underemployed single moms with job training and placement.


Seeds of Success organizers are hosting a ten-week job training that is completely free to participants and will provide moms with their Certified Nursing Assistant license.  The curriculum also includes skills development days taking place on the Green Team Farm, where moms will learn to grow their own food while developing essential job skills.  The Seeds of Success team will work to find the right job placement for each mom with different shift options in hospitals, home health, assisted living, or long-term care facilities.
To find out more about this amazing project, plan to attend and Information Meeting for interested moms on March 20 from 5:30 pm – 6:30 pm at the Sorenson Unity Center,  1383 S 900 W.  There is also a Facebook event for the info meeting.
You can help by spreading the word!
Print these flyers and distirbute:










The Wellness Bus

Did you know that the University of Utah has a Wellness Bus?  And that it visits our Westside communities regularly? “The Wellness Bus helps communities, families and individuals by teaching them to make healthier lifestyle choices. Learn how to manage pre-diabetes and help prevent Type 2 diabetes. The Wellness Bus travels to places you live, work, and play.” Here is a list of its weekly locations and schedule (Click on photo for larger view).

Visit the website at


DODI Wellness Bus Schedule Flyer_Oct18 FINAL_ENGscaled


DODI Wellness Bus Schedule Flyer_Oct18 FINAL_SPAscaled









300 North Bridge Project: Take the survey

“A new walking and bicycling bridge over the railroad tracks at 300 North (and approximately 500 West) will be built by 2022. Salt Lake City is partnering with the Utah Transit Authority, Union Pacific, Wasatch Front Regional Council,and 300NorthBridgeFlyer3community groups to build a safe connection for walking and bicycling that also reflects community character and needs. The bridge is being funded by these partners and a federal TIGER grant.”


Read the rest of the description of the project here: 300 North Bridge


Use your voice! Complete the survey here.