Tag Archives: fairpark

Westside Festival Returns for Encore

19399783_10154316971566618_1743804271726828779_n (1)The Westside Music Arts and Food Festival is returning to Sugar Space on June 16th from 11 a.m. to 9 p.m. Featuring many of the same musicians that made last year such a hit, the 2018 Festival has expanded hours and will feature Changing Lanes Experience as its headline act. Besides longer hours, Festival organizers also received a permit to close 800 West in front of Sugar Space. Over 50 art and information booths will line the street and multiple food trucks will be showcasing their menus. This is an all ages event with free admission.

Conceived last year as a way to showcase positive elements of the Westside, the Festival was a surprise success with multiple vendors and artists who attracted over 500 people in just four hours. With only weeks to prepare last year, this year’s organizers Restore North Temple and the River District Chamber decided to expand both the hours and the venue for 2018. Advanced planning allowed the organizers to receive a grant from Salt Lake City to help fund the 2018 event. “Generous support from Rocky Mountain Power has helped us immensely both years,” said Aaron Ernst of Restore North Temple. Andeavor is the main stage sponsor for 2018. Fairpark Community Council is a proud sponsor of the event providing accounting, logistical and marketing support.

2017’s Festival was a blur of activity with performers ranging from Polynesian drummers to bluesman Danny Weldon to the jazz quartet K-Tones. Dancers, aerialists and magicians entertained the crowd on three different stages while food trucks kept the crowd fed with a variety of delicious food. One attendee remarked last year he had the best tacos he’d ever tasted.

Traditions have to start somewhere and event organizers envisioned last year’s festival to be the start of something that would take place many times over the coming years. It’s telling that all the artists and musicians who were invited back jumped at the opportunity. 2018’s upcoming festival is the next step in the journey. It looks to be bigger, better and more fun than ever before.

Westside Music Art and Food Festival

Free admission!

Saturday June 16th – 11 am to 9 pm

Headline show – 7 pm – Changing Lanes Experience

132 S. 800 W. at Sugar Space

Parking – 200 S.

Take TRAX to Jackson/Euclid stop

Bike valet available

Renaming Jackson Elementary

Thank you to all the community members that have contributed to the discussion jacksonelemnewersurrounding the renaming of Jackson Elementary. At this point, Jackson’s School Community Council has approved the formation of a committee to rename or rededicate Jackson Elementary. If you are interested in participating, please contact Dr. Jana Edward directly at jana.edward@slcschools.org or by calling the school at 801-578- 8165.

North Temple, Seeking The Return of Our Grand Boulevard

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAWhen you drive up and down North Temple, what do you see? (Besides Red Iguana.) Perhaps it’s a thriving transit stop, with busy workers headed to the office. Maybe it’s a challenging image, of a person in need? Or maybe you see a haphazard collection of local restaurants and retail shops, and a few vacant buildings. Well — the Fairpark Community Council sees opportunity, and we want to be ready for it when it comes. Economic development is on the forefront of our minds as we move into
spring. We want to retain the culture and diversity that makes our neighborhood great! Close to downtown, easy access to transit, affordable housing – these are all things that make Fairpark home.

What makes us different? We have a rich history, talented artists, and an emerging food scene. We reached out to our community partners, and not surprisingly, they share our vision. Chris Parker of GIV Development said, “There's tragedy in envisioning North Temple merely as some quaint and convenient bedroom extension of the Salt Lake.  With support, this area could easily become one of the most diverse and authentic cultural destinations in the State.” We couldn’t agree more.

“North Temple is coming on fast as a place to work and live,” said James Rogers. “As the City Counci lrepresentative for District 1, I see every day the opportunities on these blocks. Many of the opportunities have already been realized, many more are on the way. We can do more to revitalize the area, much like the State Street effort. Working with all our partners, from residents and business owners, is key to a successful collaboration with the governmental agencies that will have a hand in any
sustained revitalization. I commit to helping bring those partners to the table, and vouching for the renewed vitality that will come from such a transformation.”

Things are buzzing in Fairpark, just like the spring bees. “Since the installation of light rail on the North Temple Grand Boulevard, it is exciting to see the increased pedestrian activity, the high usage of Trax and investment by businesses and housing developers that enhances the value and vibrancy of our neighborhoods,” said Maria Garciaz, of Neighborworks.

As Mayor Jackie Biskupski puts it, “North Temple has always been a diverse commerce and community center in Salt Lake City. We will continue build on this tradition through revitalization and economic development efforts with equity and opportunity at their core. The North Temple of tomorrow must be a neighborhood which supports those who have called the area home, often times for generations, while empowering new residents and businesses to establish strong roots to keep this corner of our City thriving.”

A reoccurring pattern is the need to work together to make our voices heard. That is the goal of the Restore North Temple coalition, of which Fairpark Community Council is a founding partner. Since 2016, Restore North Temple has focused on gathering community input and leading out on educational efforts related to reviving Neighborhood Watch, and building a working group around the Folsom Trail project.
Coming soon on Saturday, June 24 th , RNT along with the River District Business Alliance and the West View Media will be throwing a huge block party to celebrate the first annual West Side Arts, Food and Music Festival at the Sugar Space Art Warehouse. Check out www.facebook.com/restorenorthtemple for more information.



National Public Lands Day at Backman Elementary

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(Click photos to enlarge.)
Join Council Member James Rogers who will be helping Backman Elementary celebrate National Public Lands Day Saturday, September 24! Students will mulch a part of the Jordan River near their school with a helpful hand from their District 1 Council Member. The purpose of this event is to help get kids outside and teach them to take care of an area that is close to home for many of them.

National Public Lands Day

Saturday, September 24
10:00 a.m. – Noon
Backman Elementary

Utahns Against Hunger: Utah Summer Food Program

FreeFood flyerSummer is on the way and that means the start of the Summer Food Service Program (SFSP). The SFSP works to fill the nutrition gap between school years for low-income students who rely on free and reduced price breakfast and lunch programs. The summer food program begins after the school year ends, usually the beginning of June. Summer food sites in Utah are sponsored either by a school district’s food service program, the Utah Food Bank, or Salt Lake Head Start and they serve breakfast, lunch, and supper in parks and schools across the state. This is program is free to all kids 18 years and younger and there is no paperwork or registration required.

For the second year in a row, Utahns Against Hunger is running a literacy program on the west side of Salt Lake City.  Kids who attend the lunch program at Jordan Park on Tuesdays, Sherwood Park on Wednesdays, and Northwest Central Park on Thursdays will receive a free book all summer long!

Click on the photo for the Summer Food Service Program flyer. Our hope is that you are able to print this summer food flyer and share it with your network and neighbors. If possible, please display the summer food flyer today and leave till the end of July.

For a full list of summer food sites in your area please visit our web page where there are printable flyers and a searchable map.See a list of Salt Lake School District sites here (including Backman Elementary, Jackson Elementary, Rose Park Elementary and West High). Parks are also listed.


In addition, you can call Utahns Against Hunger at 800-453-3663 for assistance locating a site. You can also text FOOD to 877877 to find a location. All of this information is available on the flyer as well.

Please call if you have any questions.

Marti Woolford, Nutrition Initiatives Director

Utahns Against Hunger

801 328-2561 (office)

800 453-3663 (toll free)


To increase access to food through advocacy, outreach, and education

West Side Spotlight: Angela Brown, SLUG Magazine, Craft Lake City


“I feel like Fairpark is the Sugarhouse of tomorrow. It really reminds me of Sugarhouse from 10 years ago! There’s so much potential and so much passion, and it’s a great time to be a part of that growth. There really is momentum building on the west side. It’s so close to downtown, and I love it!” ~ Angela Brown, SLUG Magazine

Spring is almost here and as one of our favorite local alternative magazines SLUG (Salt Lake Underground) celebrates 27 years, we felt that it was fitting to sit down with artist, writer and uber-creative businesswoman Angela Brown. PastedGraphic-1

A four year resident of Fairpark with 20 years of experience working on the west side, Angela is also throwing a fabulous summer event, Craft Lake City. If you’ve never been, this event (August 12-14) celebrates local crafters and artists and is a wonderful festival for families, local crafters, and shoppers alike. Angela is expecting to see 60,000 visitors from both in and out of state. Angela had this to say about Fairpark:

“I feel like Fairpark is the Sugarhouse of tomorrow. It really reminds me of Sugarhouse from 10 years ago! There’s so much potential and so much passion, and it’s a great time to be a part of that growth. There really is momentum building on the west side. It’s so close to downtown, and I love it!”

Angela has been with SLUG magazine for 17 years with the last 15 at the helm.

“SLUG magazine has become a pillar of the alternative community, and it’s important that we keep that independent spirit alive. We have a great team, and it is very important to us that we maintain our local voice, writing about local events, and local music.”

She also sits on the Business Advisory Board representing District 1, which advises the Mayor and City Council on issues affecting Salt Lake City’s business community.

“We get together once a month and talk about problems small businesses face. Mayor Jackie Biskupski is really paying attention to that. When we meet, we think, ‘How can we make it easier for small business to get the process started?’”

PastedGraphic-2A true original, Angela’s goal is to empower our community to share our voice through our art.

“I think creation is a form of meditation. It’s a way for us to express ourselves, relieve stress, connect with others and show something beautiful, or maybe not so beautiful,”

she laughs,

“but art helps build our community culture.”

Let’s use this inspiration to make Fairpark beautiful again! Submit your applications to be a vendor in Craft Lake City by April 15th.

West Side Spotlight: Andrew Johnston, District 2 Councilman

Andrew_Johnston_D2-e1452108440430On January 4th, Andrew Johnston, formerly the Chair of the Poplar Grove Community Council (our neighbors to the south) took an oath of office to join the Salt Lake City Council to represent Fairpark in District 2.  We sat down with Andrew to pick his brain about the upcoming legislative session, transportation, homelessness, and other issues particularly important to the west side.  Born and raised in Utah, Andrew says, “I love my neighborhood. That’s why I’ve been involved in the Poplar Grove Community Council and now Salt Lake City Council to make Salt Lake a better place for me to live, for family, for my neighbors, for everybody.  I’m proud of the west side and anyone who takes up the challenge to make this a better place.   I mean, it’s a great place to live!  For all the folks who are new to the area, or folks who are thinking about getting involved but haven’t yet, there are lots of ways you can participate.   Come on out, and get involved.   There are lots of opportunities for things you might really enjoy, and if you look for it, you can find some cool things you can do to help make the west side a great place to live.” Continue reading

Education Corner: “Operation Warm” SLC Firefighters to the Rescue

childcoatEach year the Salt Lake City Fire Department chooses an elementary school whose 2nd and 3rd graders will be recipients of brand new winter coats. This year’s school: Backman Elementary.

“Backman Elementary School in Salt Lake City has been chosen by the Professional Firefighters of Utah (PFFU) and IAFF Local 81 (Salt Lake City) to receive coats for their students. Backman Elementary School was chosen based on the needs of their students. 98% of their students qualify for free or reduced meals. “ (Salt Lake City Firefighters, Local 81 website. http://www.1645.org/mobile/index.cfm?highlightId=287)

Multiple media agencies reported on the event. Links are provided below to those articles.

Salt Lake City Fire Fighters Local 81 has a Go Fund Me page for community members to donate funds to support this project.

“This is a very low impact fast and easy way to raise the funds to make it possible to provide coats to provide coats. Continue reading

Pedal in the City: Bike Commuting ~ One of the Best Ways to Stay Healthy

Working out at the gym has its benefits, but consider something that might bring more enjoyment along with those health benefits: Bike commuting.pedalcity

A 2013 article in Grist Magazine by Jay Walljasper discusses the health benefits of bike commuting.

“Biking for transportation appears more helpful in losing weight and promoting health than working out at the gym.

This means I can spend less time wearing a grimace as I endure mind-numbing exercise routines at the Y — and more time wearing a smile as I bike to work, shopping, and social events. Just what I always thought.”

Citing a study on commuting by bike vs. car, Walljasper highlights the fact that exercise for transportation my have better health benefits than weekly exercise routines. Continue reading

Feast Day of Our Lady of Guadalupe

The Feast Day of Our Lady of Guadalupe, patroness of the New World, is a day that has been commemorated in Mexico for almost five centuries and by Latinos in the U.S. Southwest for about half as long. The Feast Day, is the climax of a week-long festival, Nuestra Senora de Guadalupe.6a00e553f9f2f388340120a7552e24970b
Our Lady of Guadalupe Catholic Parish, 715 West 300 North, invites its neighbors in the Fairpark Community to be part of the festivities. You do not need to be Catholic nor speak Spanish.

This two-day celebration will start at 7:00 pm on December 11 and will continue all through the night and throughout Friday, December 12.

Dec. 11:  7:00 pm   Santa Misa/Mass – Bilingual
10:00 pm   Rosary/Rosario
10:40 pm   Procession (around the block) with the Blessed Sacrament
11:00 pm   Vespertina/Mananitas – (music)
12:00 am   Misa de Gallo
Dec. 12:  6:00 am   Mananitas – (music)
7:00 am   Santa Misa
12:00 noon Mass in English in honor of Our Lady of Guadalupe
5:00 pm   Punto de reunion en Terrenos de la Feria – (people form a
procession from the Fairgrounds that will go to the church)
6:00 pm   Inicia procesion
7:00 pm   Misa Espanol

Food of all kinds will be on sale, along with roses for the Blessed Mother
and candles to be purchased. Come and join the festivities in honor of
Our Lady.