Tag Archives: health

The Wellness Bus

Did you know that the University of Utah has a Wellness Bus?  And that it visits our Westside communities regularly? “The Wellness Bus helps communities, families and individuals by teaching them to make healthier lifestyle choices. Learn how to manage pre-diabetes and help prevent Type 2 diabetes. The Wellness Bus travels to places you live, work, and play.” Here is a list of its weekly locations and schedule (Click on photo for larger view).

Visit the website at WellnessBus.org


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DODI Wellness Bus Schedule Flyer_Oct18 FINAL_SPAscaled









Salt Lake County Offers Free “Lead Safe Housing” Program

If your home was built before 1978, you may want to look into the “Lead Safe Housing” program with free services from Salt Lake County. Services are free if you
qualify (see eligibility requirements here).

Salt Lake County administers grant funds from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) to qualifying homeowners, renters, and landlords to make homes lead safe for children.  All services are free.

The focus of the program is to remediate lead hazards in homes built before 1978, where children under the age of six reside or visit frequently.

NOTE: The Salt Lake County Health Department recommends all children under the age of six be tested for lead exposure.  The Salt Lake Lead Safe Housing Program provides testing for children under the age of six who live in qualifying properties.

For more information, contact:

Lead Safe Housing
2001 S State Street S2-810
Salt Lake City, UT 84114
Phone: 385 468-4892
Fax: 385 468-4894/ Email