Tag Archives: Jordan River Parkway Trail

Pedal in the City: Jordan Parkway Trail Finished!

bridge2A long awaited dream for Fairpark residents and bike enthusiasts all over the city has come true.  Residents can now cycle the entire Jordan Parkway Trail without skirting around side streets between sections of trail.  The Jordan River Trail Bridge was officially opened and dedicated at celebration event on November 18 at Fisher Mansion.  This bridge completes Jordan River Trail, an urban paved trail that follows the Jordan River through Salt Lake City from Davis County through Utah County.


Speaking at the dedication ceremony included David Litvak,SLC Mayor’s office, Ben bridge3McAdams, Salt Lake County Mayor, James Rogers, Salt Lake City Council District 1, Stan Penfold, Salt Lake City Council District 3, Rep.  Sandra Hollins, District 23, and Kyle Lamalfa, former District 2 City Council Member, who was instrumental in moving forward the completion of the Jordan River Parkway Trail.


More information is available at the Jordan River Commission (http://jordanrivercommission.com/) and the Salt Lake City (http://www.slcgov.com).

Pedal in the City: Biking the Jordan River Parkway Trail

pedalcityIt’s summer and time to do some recreational biking!  As we eagerly anticipate the bridge to be built, connecting the last section of unfinished trail, it is still easy to travel this path for for 50 miles from Utah Lake north to the Great Salt Lake through Davis, Salt Lake and Utah Counties!  On any given day, one can see individuals and families pedaling the Jordan Parkway Trail.  How much do you know about this wonderful asset?

There are resources to help you get started on this journey.  Here are two:

Jordan River Commission provides a digital guide, map and information on the river itself:


Bike SLC provides maps also, but additional information on the master plan, municipalities along the trail, and more:

Remember your helmet and water and sunblock before you set out – and have fun!

Community Partners Focus on Jordan River Parkway Trail and North Temple

IMG_2187The University Neighborhood Partnership (UNP) West Side Studio has worked alongside the neighborhoods for years and has listened to many ideas and hopes for our community. Fairpark Community Council Board Members and the UNP joined together to explore ideas and opinions from people who live in the area. These people are the treasure of the neighborhood, and their voices will help facilitate the best plan forward regarding connections between the Jordan River Parkway and North Temple.

Three topical areas were the focus of discussion in the groups, led by Community Council leaders and facilitated by University of Utah students. Two areas involved three focus groups from Fairpark:

1) Improving/enhancing bikability/walkability (e.g. explore adding bike sharing stations at various points along the river and/or at the North Temple/Parkway intersection)

2) Inform planning for signage and wayfinding along the river (e.g. explore preferred content, languages, look, etc.)
Focus groups met in March at various locations.  The outcomes of the ideas generated by these meetings will be presented on May 4, 2016 at 3:30pm at the Northwest Community Center. All are welcome!