A long awaited dream for Fairpark residents and bike enthusiasts all over the city has come true. Residents can now cycle the entire Jordan Parkway Trail without skirting around side streets between sections of trail. The Jordan River Trail Bridge was officially opened and dedicated at celebration event on November 18 at Fisher Mansion. This bridge completes Jordan River Trail, an urban paved trail that follows the Jordan River through Salt Lake City from Davis County through Utah County.
Speaking at the dedication ceremony included David Litvak,SLC Mayor’s office, Ben McAdams, Salt Lake County Mayor, James Rogers, Salt Lake City Council District 1, Stan Penfold, Salt Lake City Council District 3, Rep. Sandra Hollins, District 23, and Kyle Lamalfa, former District 2 City Council Member, who was instrumental in moving forward the completion of the Jordan River Parkway Trail.
More information is available at the Jordan River Commission (http://jordanrivercommission.com/) and the Salt Lake City (http://www.slcgov.com).