When you drive up and down North Temple, what do you see? (Besides Red Iguana.) Perhaps it’s a thriving transit stop, with busy workers headed to the office. Maybe it’s a challenging image, of a person in need? Or maybe you see a haphazard collection of local restaurants and retail shops, and a few vacant buildings. Well — the Fairpark Community Council sees opportunity, and we want to be ready for it when it comes. Economic development is on the forefront of our minds as we move into
spring. We want to retain the culture and diversity that makes our neighborhood great! Close to downtown, easy access to transit, affordable housing – these are all things that make Fairpark home.
What makes us different? We have a rich history, talented artists, and an emerging food scene. We reached out to our community partners, and not surprisingly, they share our vision. Chris Parker of GIV Development said, “There's tragedy in envisioning North Temple merely as some quaint and convenient bedroom extension of the Salt Lake. With support, this area could easily become one of the most diverse and authentic cultural destinations in the State.” We couldn’t agree more.
“North Temple is coming on fast as a place to work and live,” said James Rogers. “As the City Counci lrepresentative for District 1, I see every day the opportunities on these blocks. Many of the opportunities have already been realized, many more are on the way. We can do more to revitalize the area, much like the State Street effort. Working with all our partners, from residents and business owners, is key to a successful collaboration with the governmental agencies that will have a hand in any
sustained revitalization. I commit to helping bring those partners to the table, and vouching for the renewed vitality that will come from such a transformation.”
Things are buzzing in Fairpark, just like the spring bees. “Since the installation of light rail on the North Temple Grand Boulevard, it is exciting to see the increased pedestrian activity, the high usage of Trax and investment by businesses and housing developers that enhances the value and vibrancy of our neighborhoods,” said Maria Garciaz, of Neighborworks.
As Mayor Jackie Biskupski puts it, “North Temple has always been a diverse commerce and community center in Salt Lake City. We will continue build on this tradition through revitalization and economic development efforts with equity and opportunity at their core. The North Temple of tomorrow must be a neighborhood which supports those who have called the area home, often times for generations, while empowering new residents and businesses to establish strong roots to keep this corner of our City thriving.”
A reoccurring pattern is the need to work together to make our voices heard. That is the goal of the Restore North Temple coalition, of which Fairpark Community Council is a founding partner. Since 2016, Restore North Temple has focused on gathering community input and leading out on educational efforts related to reviving Neighborhood Watch, and building a working group around the Folsom Trail project.
Coming soon on Saturday, June 24 th , RNT along with the River District Business Alliance and the West View Media will be throwing a huge block party to celebrate the first annual West Side Arts, Food and Music Festival at the Sugar Space Art Warehouse. Check out www.facebook.com/restorenorthtemple for more information.