Dirt2Table: Festival of Spring and Plant Sale – This Saturday!

FOS Plant SaleWhat does the Northwest Recreation Center, Jackson Elementary, Salt Lake County’s Lead Safe Housing Program, Fairpark Community Council, the Northwest Community Center, All Chay Restaurant, Salt Lake City, about 3 dozen volunteers and pizza have in common?

Okay, maybe not the pizza (that’s for the Volunteer orientation). But the rest are all supporting and participating in the 2nd annual Festival of Spring and Plant Sale April 29 from 10-2 at the Northwest Community Center. This has truly been a community effort through collaboration, interest in sustainability and relationship building with our neighbors.

The event will include activities for kids (including face painting and seed planting), outreach, snail deterrent cage making, and FUN! We can’t think of a better way to spend a few hours on a Saturday in our neighborhood, getting your season’s vegetable plants and enjoying time with your neighbors.

We inventoried over 4300 plants, all planted from seed, separated and maintained by volunteers. Hours of handling these beautiful seedlings, watering them and just plain giving them TLC have generated very happy plants!

We hope you have prepared your garden area for the plants you will have this year. Stay tuned for articles on gardening as the season progresses. More information on the Festival of Spring and Plant Sale: dirt2tableslc@gmail.com or 801-502-1991
