Category Archives: Salt Lake Police

Summer Crime Prevention in Fairpark

As the temperatures begin to rise, so does the opportunity for criminals to commit memb1 acts against Fairpark. Protecting our neighborhood is very important, so
we wanted to provide you with some tips and resources for keeping you, your family and your property safe this summer. Did you know that you can research crime in your area through the Salt Lake City Crime Statistic page? From this site, you can search crime data going back to 2009 in order to see the ebb and flow of criminal activity and other public safety issues based on data contained in the department’s records. Use the crime map to view the latest incidents near you.  You may also choose toreceive email crime alerts to stay informed and help improve the safety of our neighborhood and community.

To reduce our neighborhood’s crime rate, it’s important to get to know your neighbors, or come to meet our Community Intelligence Officer at our monthly Community Council meeting.

Did you know that the SLPD has a special unit devoted to grass-roots problem-solving within our community? The Community Intelligence Unit has 8 officers who attend monthly community council meetings within the City’s 7 Council Districts. While CIU officers share and receive a lot of information at these meetings, it is daily interaction with residents that fosters the trust necessary to tackle public safety issues together.

If you notice a problem on your street – from graffiti to loud parties, drug dealers to gangs – our CIU officer is ready to connect you with the law enforcement and community resources necessary to address the issue. Feel free to contact him directly. For District 2, Detective Dustin Marshall can be reached through email at or by phone at 801-799-3626.

Here are some specific tips to help keep your home safe this summer. Continue reading

Meet Our New Neighborhood Detective, Officer Valencia

My name is Carlos Valencia and I work for the Salt Lake City Police Department. I have been a Police Officer with Salt Lake for over 9 years and I have been fortunate enough to experience some of the variety of assignments my Department offers.detvalencia

My current position is being assigned as Detective with the Community Intelligence Unit (CIU) in District 1 and 2. This assignment has been very fulfilling because not only do I get to interact with the people of the Rose Park/Fairpark/Glendale community, but it helps me understand their problems and concerns that they face each day in their community.

One of the main problems we face each and every day is property crimes.. Sometimes being a victim of a property crime can be very costly and stressful. But for the bad guy, it can be rewarding and a way to a new life (of crime). We can do numerous things to protect ourselves so that we are not victims.

One of the many ways we can avoid being a vehicle burglary victim is to take our valuables with us, do not leave them in the vehicle while you go to the store or mall. A valuable item can be anything that a bad guy can sell or exchange for other goods that they would care about. Avoid leaving purses, wallets, GPS devices, blankets, bags of any kind, phones, phone chargers, tablets, iPads, CDs, expensive CD decks…etc. Avoid placing valuables under  the seats or anywhere in the vehicle where you think the valuable might be safe. Last but not least, always lock your vehicle. It definitely deters a bad guy from making himself or herself at home in it or steal it.

Home burglaries can occur to anyone, but if we take the necessary steps to protect ourselves we could minimize the chances of having someone break into our homes. Some people have looked into getting alarm systems, or getting
motion-enabled light systems, cameras, surveillance cameras, etc. Other people choose to ensure to lock their doors and windows, or making sure the garage door is shut when they leave. In addition to this, most people ask their neighbor to watch over their place and give them their phone number in case of an emergency or suspicious activity.

Remember, by taking the necessary steps to protect ourselves, we can be more difficult targets for vehicle and home
Thanks, Det. Valencia